Sunday, 13 September 2009

Spent a good portion of Friday reading other blogs and came away feeling inspired. Decided I would achieve something creative this weekend. Dusted off my sewing machine and starting digging into my fabric bags. I buy so much fabric and dress patterns it is ridiculous. I get this great feeling in my fave fabric shop, it is always justified for the following reasons:

a I am being creative
b It costs less than buying it from a shop ready made
c It will be unique and tailormade to fit me perfectly

I then take my purchases home and put them in the corner of my wardrobe, planning to make the said garment very very soon.

Hey, sometimes I even cut them out. Then I put them back in the wardrobe for stage two.

So this weekend, I took out a dress that I had cut out early summer and decided bite the bullet and commit myself. My daughter and partner didn't like the fabric, (to be honest, I didn't even like the fabric anymore) but I had made the commitment and didn't want to lose my momentum.

Three hours later, when I tried (ahem, perhaps squeezed) into the dress I looked into the mirror and hated it. I hated the colour, hated the style on me, hated the time I had wasted on it. I expected to have acheived a new garment to add to my wardrobe but it was not to be.

This morning, I have sorted out more fabric and I have a plan. I am about to eat dinner and promised myself I will make a quick top later this evening. If it comes out good I will post a pic tomorrow.


  1. Hi Tracey - just popped by to visit your blog. Blogging gets very addictive - I can't go a day without posting now! Good luck with your top - look forward to seeing the pictures. Caroline x

  2. Hi there!! Hope the top was more of a success, at least you did try and persevere with the dress! Have a good week ahead!
